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How to Cut and Paste Content into Cascade

Pasting into Cascade without breaking anything

When you copy text (e.g. from a Web page or Word document) and paste that text directly into Cascade – particularly, into a WYSIWYG field — unwanted text styles often get copied in as well, which makes the font look different from the rest of the page and a host of other funky problems. The style differences may be subtle or horrifying.

For example, the screen grab below shows some text that was pasted in with unwanted styles. The correct text is marked with a heart. The badly-styled text is marked with a pile of not-heart. In this case, the pasted font is different, the kerning is different, and the line spacing is different from our proper website styles.

In the HTML view, we can see a bunch of unwanted code was pasted in by accident, marked in red below:

There are several ways to avoid this mismatch of styles when pasting into a WYSIWYG:

  • On Mac, when pasting, use keyboard combination ⇧⌥⌘V  (That’s Shift-Option-Command-V) to paste as plain text
  • On PCs you can right-click (or Control-Click on Mac) and select “Paste as Plain Text” or “Paste and Match Style”
  • Use Cascade’s “Paste as Plain Text” feature – see red arrow below.

After pasting in Cascade, view the HTML of the WYSIWYG to make sure no extraneous code was included with the pasted content – see green arrow below – and manually clean up the HTML that resulted from the paste.

If the code looks like it is full of extra gunk, try to Clear the Formatting: